And so it goes, our user community was looking for a way to email the content from a wiki page to users outside of the network. The solution was to overwrite the "E-Mail a Link" button found on the ribbon within the Page tab. But how do we accomplish this? Well, it turns out, it's pretty easy.
While we're not technically overwriting the functionality of the button, we are hiding it and generating our own. Thus, this task became a two step process (three if you want to add a configuration page for the email form):
Step one, hide the default "E-Mail a Link" button: To perform this, we need to write a feature that calls a Custom Action. I won't bore you with the specifics of how to generate a feature project and I'll cut to the juicy details on what needs to be written in the elements.xml file.
<CustomAction Id="RemoveEmailPageLinkRibbonButton" Location="CommandUI.Ribbon"> <CommandUIExtension> <CommandUIDefinitions> <CommandUIDefinition Location="Ribbon.WikiPageTab.Share.EmailPageLink" /> </CommandUIDefinitions> </CommandUIExtension> </CustomAction>
Step two, add a new Ribbon button to the Page tab: To perform this, we need to include in our Element.xml file another Custom Action. Again, I won't bore you with feature generation, so here's the code needed to add the button.
<CustomAction Id="EmailContentButton" Location="CommandUI.Ribbon" Sequence="5" Title="Email"> <CommandUIExtension> <CommandUIDefinitions> <CommandUIDefinition Location="Ribbon.WikiPageTab.Share.Controls._children"> <Button Id="Ribbon.WikiPageTab.Share.EmailContentButton" Alt="E-Mail Page Content" Sequence="5" Command="EmailPageContent_Button" Image32by32="/_layouts/1033/images/formatmap32x32.png" Image32by32Top="-128" Image32by32Left="-448" Image16by16="/_layouts/1033/images/formatmap16x16.png" Image16by16Top="-16" Image16by16Left="-88" LabelText="E-Mail" TemplateAlias="o2" /> </CommandUIDefinition> </CommandUIDefinitions> <CommandUIHandlers> <CommandUIHandler Command="EmailPageContent_Button" CommandAction="javascript: function GetEmailContent() { var objMainDiv = document.getElementById('ctl00_PlaceHolderMain_WikiField'); var params = new Object(); var options; params.pageTitle = document.title; params.parentUrl = window.location.href; params.pageContent = ''; // if regular wiki if(objMainDiv != 'undefined' && objMainDiv != null) { var objTable = objMainDiv.getElementsByTagName('table'); if(objTable[0] == 'undefined' || objTable[0] == null) { if(confirm('Could Not Detect Wiki Content.\nE-Mail Page Link?')) location.href='mailto: ?subject='+document.title+'&body=' + escape(window.location.href); return; } var objDiv = objTable[0].getElementsByTagName('td'); if(objDiv[0] == 'undefined' || objDiv[0] == null) { if(confirm('Could Not Detect Wiki Content.\nE-Mail Page Link?')) location.href='mailto: ?subject='+document.title+'&body=' + escape(window.location.href); } for(var i=0;i<objDiv.length;i++) { if(objDiv[i] != 'undefined' && objDiv[i] != null) params.pageContent += objDiv[i].childNodes[0].innerHTML; } } else {// else check for enterprise wiki objMainDiv = document.getElementById('ctl00_PlaceHolderMain_PageContent__ControlWrapper_RichHtmlField'); if(objMainDiv != 'undefined' && objMainDiv != null) { params.pageContent += objMainDiv.innerHTML; } else { if(confirm('This Wiki Has No Content.\nE-Mail Page Link?')) location.href='mailto: ?subject='+document.title+'&body=' + escape(window.location.href); return; } } options = { url:'{SiteUrl}/_layouts/EmailWikiContent/EmailPageContent.aspx', title: document.title, width:550, height:650, args: params}; SP.UI.ModalDialog.showModalDialog(options); } GetEmailContent();" /> </CommandUIHandlers> </CommandUIExtension> </CustomAction>
Ok, so I hinted that there may be a step three involved. In my project, I included code to perform runtime configurations for the E-Mail form; such as enabling/disabling the subject and body fields. In any case, you have to add another Custom Action. Here goes, Step Three:
<CustomAction Id="ModifyFeatureMailToProperty" GroupId="SiteAdministration" Location="Microsoft.SharePoint.SiteSettings" Title="E-Mail Wiki Page Settings" Rights="ManageWeb" Description="Adjust the Default E-Mail Settings for My Custom Wiki Page Content E-Mails"> <UrlAction Url="_layouts/EmailWikiContent/configureCustomEmailForm.aspx" /> </CustomAction>
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